Parent’s Quick-Guide to Instagram

Parent’s Quick-Guide to Instagram

Download Quick-Guide (PDF) What is Instagram? Instagram is a social media app used to share photos, videos, and messages. With features like Stories, Feed, Live, Instagram TV, and messaging, teens use Instagram to celebrate big milestones, share everyday moments, keep...

Quick-Guide to Cybersecurity

Download Quick-Guide (PDF) Why should we care about security? Insecure devices and accounts can jeopardize your privacy, financial well-being and even personal safety. And it can affect others because insecure devices can spread malicious software to other...
Parent’s and Educator’s Quick-Guide to Hate Speech

Parent’s and Educator’s Quick-Guide to Hate Speech

Download Quick Guide (PDF) What is hate speech? Hate speech is more than just harsh words. It can be any form of expression intended to vilify, humiliate, or incite hatred against a group or class of people. It can occur offline or online or both. It can be...
Quick-Guide to Virtual Kidnapping Scams

Quick-Guide to Virtual Kidnapping Scams

Virtual kidnapping scams are on the rise. Protect yourself and your family with some common sense precautions, plus what to do if you receive a terrifying call from a scammer. Scroll down to the bottom for a video based on these tips. Download the Quick-Guide (PDF)...
Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

Quick-Guide to Secure Passwords

A strong password is your first line of defense against intruders and imposters. Scroll down for a video based on these tips. Download Quick Guide (PDF) Is it OK to share passwords? Generally, we recommend never giving out your password to anyone. That said, there may...