Amazon's FreeTime and Other Products for Children

Amazon's FreeTime and Other Products for Children Listen to Larry Magid and Kurt Beidler discuss Amazon Freetime and other Amazon products aimed at children Amazon has made a big push when it comes to...
Symantec's Paige Hanson on How to Stay Safe Online

Symantec's Paige Hanson on How to Stay Safe Online Listen to Larry Magid and Paige Hanson talk about all things security In recognition of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM),...

Tips for Smart Cellphone Use

Some 95% of Americans own cellphones of some kind, according to Pew Research Center – among 18- to 29-year-olds, the number is a whopping 100%. But no matter your age, there are some basic ideas for keeping mobile phone use safe and constructive: Share with...

FAQ on 'Sexting' and 'Sextortion'

Information on what these terms mean, tips for where to turn, and links to the best resources for further information. What is “sexting”? “Sexting” typically refers to the sharing of nude or semi-nude and sexually provocative photos or sexually explicit...
Tips for Safe and Civil Use of Anonymous Apps

Tips for Safe and Civil Use of Anonymous Apps

A growing number of apps allow people to post anonymously. There are some very positive aspects to anonymous apps, including the ability to reach out for help and post with less worry about being criticized or embarrassed. But of course there are some risks. Here are...