Tips for Getting Cached Content Removed

We recently helped a 17-year-old get a topless photo and fake profile removed from a social networking site. But even though content was deleted from the service, the picture and fake profile lived on as “cached” or archived content in the Google Search...
ConnectSafely and Kik partner up for online safety resources

ConnectSafely and Kik partner up for online safety resources

ConnectSafely is pleased to announce Kik as our newest supporter and partner. Kik is a chat platform that seamlessly connects teens with friends and with the brands, entertainment, games and news they love. The company has more than 300 million registered users and is...
It takes a village to combat bullying and we're all villagers

It takes a village to combat bullying and we're all villagers

By Annie Fox I got in trouble the other day. Someone was offended by something I wrote. It’s rarely my intention to offend anyone, but it happens. It started with my response to “This is What It Really Feels Like to Be Bullied” by 14-year-old Anna...
As ever younger kids go online, how is the family responding?

As ever younger kids go online, how is the family responding?

By Sonia Livingstone In autumn 2014, as researchers from across Europe, we spent time interviewing and observing in the family homes of 6- to 7-year-olds and their younger siblings. We talked to parents, looked at how digital media were dispersed around the house,...