Should I worry about my teens texting?

Should I worry about my teens texting?

By Michael Rich, MD Q: I’ve noticed that many parents worry a lot about their children texting. But when we were kids, we would spend hours on the phone, sometimes not even talking much. When my teens are texting with friends at home, I liken it to those phone calls...

Parent bullying: The one-upper society

By Sue Scheff: Every day we hear or read about kids using words as weapons to inflict harm upon one another — whether it’s on the playground, in the hallways of our schools, in their own homes, or online. Peer cruelty happens every day. Where does this...

Seven good smartphone security habits

by Monica Vila As we load up our smartphones and tablets with more and more personal information, it’s time to get serious about mobile security. Despite the proliferation of cloud backup services, we still remain vulnerable to lost or stolen handsets, data theft, and...