ConnectSafely partners with  app developers to fight Ebola

ConnectSafely partners with app developers to fight Ebola

ConnectSafely has been working with the co-founders of Journey, an app development platform company based in South Africa, about raising awareness, funds and resources for an app they developed called Ebola Care. The app is designed to help health care workers in...

The next version of 'Internet safety': A look under the hood

By Anne Collier “Under the bonnet,” colleagues across the Atlantic and Down Under might say. I put it that way because this post is a bit more e-safety geeky than usual. Parents and caregivers who don’t geek out on this topic might find this mildly...

Perfect digital parenting doesn't exist

By Anne Collier I’m stating the obvious – that perfect digital-age parenting doesn’t exist – but let me explain why it doesn’t. Writer Heather Havrilesky got me thinking about this with her commentary “The ‘Mommy’ Problem” in...

Of young people's (not just digital) citizenship

By Anne Collier This being Digital Citizenship Week in the US, here’s a view of it that isn’t typically heard by parents and K-12 educators here. It’s the view from youth themselves, as captured by scholars in the new book Wired Citizenship: Youth...