Proposed ‘rightful’ framework for Internet safety

By Anne Collier Internet safety is a basic right of Internet users. But it’s not the only one. There are other fundamental rights that Net users of all ages have, and I propose that Internet safety will actually serve all Internet users better – and have much...

Textbook case of what NOT to do in teen sexting cases

By Anne Collier The Washington Post has done some important reporting on a teen sexting case in Virginia, spotlighting what could (should) go down in history as a textbook example of how police can abuse rather than enforce child pornography law in the digital age. A...

Breadth of videogames' benefits to kids may surprise

By Anne Collier It being summertime here in the global North, there may be a little extra videogame play going on in households with kids. So it may be helpful for parents to know about a mother lode of the latest wisdom on videogames’ effects on kids’...

The anti-EDIs social norm: A counterargument

By Anne Collier They’re more like DEDIs (digitally enabled displays of insensitivity) than EDIs (electronic displays of insensitivity), because the behavior on display is human not electronic. But that’s beside the point. This NPR commentary suggests that...

From 'Big Data' to 'Big Parent': Student privacy developments

By Anne Collier Have you been watching the Big Parent response to Big Data? Great lede from’s Stephanie Simon: “You’ve heard of Big Oil and Big Tobacco. Now get ready for Big Parent.” She’s talking about an unpredicted mobilization...