named US host for Safer Internet Day

Washington, D.C., November 6, 2013–Safer Internet Day, which has been celebrated throughout the world for the last 10 years, is about to get a big boost in the United States. has been appointed by INSAFE and the European Commission as the US...

Dave Taylor: The Internet doesn't have a delete key

by Dave Taylor It’s something that I hear from teens all the time, the refrain that “it’s cool, I can just delete it if it’s a problem” when we’re talking about online safety, privacy and the risk associated with everything...

Bullying: How an 'authoritative' parenting style can help

By Anne Collier When my friend and colleague Jason Brand, a Berkeley, Calif.-based family therapist, points an article out to me, I pay attention. He and I were discussing resilience as a protective factor in children’s use of social media, and Jason pointed out...

A techie dad's perspective on school

By Anne Collier The subhead of this post might be: “Writing code as an extracurricular activity” or Venturebeat’s headline, “Why your 8-year-old should be coding,” or just “Let them learn code!” Another article about Harvard...

Law enforcement & social media now working together

By Anne Collier This is a significant sign of progress: The National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) is working with Facebook on consumer privacy education. We’re still only in the first half of this decade, and in the second half of the last one, the...