Videos from Safer Internet Day 2020

Videos from Safer Internet Day 2020

Welcome remarks from Larry Magid, CEO of ConnectSafely; Leslie Boggs, President of National PTA; and Mountain View Mayor Margaret Abe-Koga. ConnectSafely CEO Larry Magid interviews camera phone creator Philippe Kahn. Moderator Tami Bhaumik talks creators with Roblox...
Research Finds Teens May Not Be Suffering From Too Much Tech use

Research Finds Teens May Not Be Suffering From Too Much Tech use

 by Larry Magid This post appeared in the Mercury News Numerous articles have been published linking tech use among adolescents with increase rates of depression, suicide and other harms. Back in 2011, an article in the journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics...
FaceApp Requires Caution, Not Fear

FaceApp Requires Caution, Not Fear

By Larry Magid There are four lessons when it comes to FaceApp. Number one, it’s important to understand the privacy implications of it and every other app you use. Number two, don’t believe every rumor you hear about horrible things apps might do. Number three, don’t...