Cleaning Up Your Internet Browser

Cleaning Up Your Internet Browser

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News My computer’s internet browser is, by far, the program that I use the most. That’s not the case with my mobile device, because so many of the services I use have their own apps. But, when I’m sitting at my PC...
Today is Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day

More than 100 countries around the world will come together for Safer Internet Day on Feb. 6 to raise awareness about the benefits and risks of connected technology. ConnectSafely, the official US host of this international event is sponsoring virtual events and...
Managing Privacy on Facebook

Managing Privacy on Facebook

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News There’s an old saying, “Everyone complains about the weather, but nobody ever seems to do anything about it.” The same could be said about Facebook privacy but unlike the weather, there...
Backing Up is NOT Hard to Do

Backing Up is NOT Hard to Do

By Larry Magid This post first appeared in Mercury News. The most tragic consequence of the recent Maui fires is, of course, loss of life. There was also horrific property loss. What you don’t hear much about on the news is the loss of data, but I’m sure many people...