Highlights of the 2015 International Bullying Prevention Conference

Highlights of the 2015 International Bullying Prevention Conference

By Patti Agatston I recently returned from Denver where I had the privilege to both attend and present at this year’s International Bullying Prevention Conference that featured over 650 participants from over 15 countries and 34 states. Empathy and kindness The theme...

2015 FOSI Conference: Kids, parents and the state of online safety

By Emily Mulder For two days on November 17th and 18th, the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) will hold its ninth Annual Conference, Risks. Harms. Rewards in Washington, DC.  We will seek to review the past year in online safety, discuss and debate current issues...
Panic over teen sexting is overblown

Panic over teen sexting is overblown

By Larry Magid It’s time to take a deep breath when it comes to teen sexting. It is an issue but it’s not an epidemic and, in most cases, when it happens it doesn’t result in anything terrible. I’m sure you’ve read the stories about the...
Social media and children's rights in the global village

Social media and children's rights in the global village

It’s “the law” in most countries but kids still have very few digital rights There has been a great deal of talk about online child protection but precious little about children’s rights.There are laws on the books of the United States and...
Cyber criminals often resort to simple trickery

Cyber criminals often resort to simple trickery

Larry Magid’s 1 minute CBS News Tech Talk segment on Trend Micro report By Larry Magid As it does every year, security firm Trend Micro has released its annual threat report, titled “Security Predictions for 2016 and Beyond.” And, to me, the most...