Teachers: Create your own online courses with Versal

  There are lots of online courses ranging from some that are incredibly compelling to others that, well, that are just plain boring. One of the problems with online learning is that it takes more than just aiming a video camera at a lecturer to create a...

A conversation with Esther Wojcicki on 'Moonshots in Education'

Esther Wojcicki is an award winning journalism teacher and the author of a new book on education called Moonshots in Education: Launching Blended Learning in the Classroom. The book explores digital and online learning with models and examples from schools that are...

Banning Yik Yak from colleges is counterproductive

No doubt about it: There are some vile posts on Yik Yak and other social media platforms. But just because some people use these platforms to intimidate and spread hate is not justification to ban them from college campuses — Instead, people should (and often...

'Tread carefully' before regulating Internet of Things

I was not surprised to learn that the Senate is looking into the Internet of Things. Senators are concerned about safety, privacy and security issues now that the tech industry is focusing on ways to connect devices to the Internet and to each other. There are just...

'Revenge porn' is about betrayal, not pornography

Sharing explicit pictures or videos with an intimate partner is not always a harmful practice, but it can be devastating if those images get into the wrong hands — like those of Kevin Bollaert. In the first criminal prosecution using a new California law...