Researcher sets the record straight on teen sexting

by Larry Magid I rarely blog about other people’s blog posts, but the post, “Chances are, Your Teen has NOT Sexted” by Dr. Justin Patchin is worthy of amplification and further comment. Patchin, who is a professor of criminal justice in the department of political...

Empowering youth to combat bullying & cyberbullying

Youth Bullying (and adult bullying too) has been around for a very long time, but over the past couple of decades it’s evolved — hence the term “cyberbullying.” At the end of the day, bullying — whether in school or online — is...

Sony's hacked emails present a teachable moment

by Larry Magid The Sony hack, which the FBI  is now blaming on North Korea, wound up exposing emails between Sony executives and others in the entertainment industry, including some embarrassing bombshells about Sony executives and some very well known movie...

Prepare your family-tech before a major storm or power failure occurs

Whether it’s winter storms, fall hurricanes  or just random occurrences, power failures are a fact of life and can happen any time and anywhere. If they do occur, they can affect your family’s technology and that same technology can be a life saver in an...