What are pre-schoolers doing with tablets and is it good for them?

What are pre-schoolers doing with tablets and is it good for them?

By Sonia Livingstone Pre-school-aged children have taken to tablets like ducks to water. A while ago a video went viral showing an infant trying to ‘swipe’ a magazine with growing puzzlement – a magazine, it seemed, was an app that didn’t work. The image of children...
Polls show attitude split between parents & teens

Polls show attitude split between parents & teens

By Sue Scheff Two polls came out recently, and both confirm that our youth spend a lot of time online. The poll by Common Sense Media showed that 59% of parents believe their teens are addicted to technology. Among the teens themselves, 50% believed they were...
Does the Internet really make children unhappy?

Does the Internet really make children unhappy?

By Sonia Livingstone Children and youngsters spend more and more time online (as do we all), often alone or at least only in touch with others remotely through the Internet. This poses various questions for parents concerned about what their children now spend much of...