Parent and Teen Guide to Generative AI

Parent and Teen Guide to Generative AI

What is Generative AI? Generative AI (GAI) is a branch of artificial intelligence that automates original content generation. It can write essays, poems, song lyrics, articles and scripts. It can draw images and cartoons, create videos, answer questions, write...
Ask Trish: What Are AI Hallucinations?

Ask Trish: What Are AI Hallucinations?

By Trisha Prabhu “I’ve heard a lot about AI hallucinations, I’m wondering what they are actually…” Hi there, and welcome back to another week of Ask Trish! I hope you’re all well and having a wonderful start to June. (For those of you in the Northern Hemisphere, I...
AI Makes Mistakes But Could It Destroy Us?

AI Makes Mistakes But Could It Destroy Us?

by Larry Magid Before I get to the potentially deadly serious part of today’s column, I’d like to start on the lighter side. Lighter, that is, unless you happen to be attorney Steven A. Schwartz. In representing a man named Roberto Mata, who said he was injured aboard...
AI Has Risks But Can Also Make Us Safer

AI Has Risks But Can Also Make Us Safer

by Larry Magid This post is adapted from one that first appeared in the Mercury News We’re hearing a lot about the dangers of generative AI like ChatGPT, the new Microsoft Bing and Google Bard. For example, Geoffrey Hinton, who is often referred to as the “godfather...