Ask Trish: Mental Health Awareness Month

Ask Trish: Mental Health Awareness Month

By Trisha Prabhu Me, thinking to myself early last week: “I can’t believe that May is coming to an end soon – and so is Mental Health Awareness Month here in the US. I think the Ask Trish community would really love some tips on how to support mental health on social...
Ask Trish: My Debut Book, ReThink the Internet

Ask Trish: My Debut Book, ReThink the Internet

By Trisha Prabhu Trish, I’ve been seeing sm about your new book online!! It looks so cool. Why did you write it and what’s in it? Thank you so much for the kind words – as well as the opportunity to share a bit more about some exciting news I have! Indeed, my...
Ask Trish: How to Be An Internet Activist

Ask Trish: How to Be An Internet Activist

By Trisha Prabhu Hey Trish. I’ve been hearing a lot about online activism. What is it, how can I do it, and what should I not do? Thank u! Happy May, Ask Trish readers! We’re starting off the month with a fantastic question – thank you so much to the author of this...
Ask Trish: Unwanted Online Comments

Ask Trish: Unwanted Online Comments

By Trisha Prabhu Hey Trish: I have so many annoying comments from people I don’t even know on my Insta posts. Help! Thank you so much for raising this important topic – and thank you to those of you who are following along, because by reading this/educating yourself,...
Ask Trish: Women’s History Month

Ask Trish: Women’s History Month

By Trisha Prabhu Me, thinking to myself last week: “Whoa…March is coming to an end soon – which means Women’s History Month is coming to an end soon! We’ve got to bring some awesome #womenshistory to Ask Trish!” As I’m sure many of you know, March is Women’s History...
Ask Trish: What Exactly is “Web3”?

Ask Trish: What Exactly is “Web3”?

By Trisha Prabhu Hey Trish. So many ppl I know keep talking about web3. What is web3? How is it different from the internet?” Hi, and thank you so much for this fantastic question! I want to begin by validating your confusion: trust me, you’re not the only person...