Protecting Children from Inappropriate Content in the UK

Protecting Children from Inappropriate Content in the UK listen to Larry Magid and John Carr talk about children’s online privacy rights in the UK ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid and...
Media Literacy for Educators and Families with Young Children

Media Literacy for Educators and Families with Young Children listen to Larry Magid and Kerry Gallagher talk about Media Literacy and it’s approach in the classroom and at home ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid and...
Why Tech Companies are Offering Services for Younger Children

Why Tech Companies are Offering Services for Younger Children

  by Larry Magid We’ve all heard the stories about kids spending too much time with their devices or, worse, spending that time doing things online that they probably shouldn’t be doing. It’s been an issue since I started writing about kids and...

Top 5 Questions about Creativity & Copyright

1. What’s protected by copyright and what isn’t? The U.S. Copyright Office says that copyright “protects original works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and...
Why We Need to Understand Copyright Now More than Ever

Why We Need to Understand Copyright Now More than Ever

By Larry Magid Click here for free booklet & One-Page Quick-Guide When I was in high school, the only way to copy someone else’s work was to painstakingly retype or re-write it from a book, periodical or another student’s paper. Today it’s as simple as copy and...

Tips for Smart Cellphone Use

Some 95% of Americans own cellphones of some kind, according to Pew Research Center – among 18- to 29-year-olds, the number is a whopping 100%. But no matter your age, there are some basic ideas for keeping mobile phone use safe and constructive: Share with...