What parents need to know about Facebook Messenger Kids

What parents need to know about Facebook Messenger Kids

by Larry Magid In 2011, Consumer Reports released research saying that 7.5 million children under 13 were using Facebook in violation of the company’s terms of service that require all users to be 13 or older.  Later that year, a research team led by...
Generations will not be destroyed by smartphones

Generations will not be destroyed by smartphones

By Kerry Gallagher This article from the Atlantic appeared multiple times in my Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter feeds last week. The author is a professor of psychology and experienced researcher with a focus on generational differences. Her title claims that...
The Educator’s Guide to Student Data Privacy

The Educator’s Guide to Student Data Privacy

DownloadFull Guide (PDF Technology tools and apps are making it possible for educators and students to collaborate, create, and share ideas more easily than ever. When schools use technology, students’ data—including some personal information—is collected both by...
My child knows more about #edtech than I do!

My child knows more about #edtech than I do!

By Kerry Gallagher A common concern I hear from parents is that their children know more about the devices and technology used in school than they do. Even parents who work in technology-rich careers may not be familiar with education technology. As a result, day to...
Social media and students: Engage, empower, explore

Social media and students: Engage, empower, explore

By Kerry Gallagher It is no longer uncommon or special for school administrators and teachers to use social media to share the great things their students are doing in classrooms, on sports fields, on stage, or out in the community. They use Facebook to reach parents,...
4 ways educators and parents can use tech this school year

4 ways educators and parents can use tech this school year

By Kerry Gallagher Since we all use technology to learn, communicate, and create every day outside of classrooms, our students need opportunities to practice while they are still in our schools. Whether you are a parent or a teacher, look for a few key opportunities...