AI Makes Mistakes But Could It Destroy Us?

AI Makes Mistakes But Could It Destroy Us?

by Larry Magid Before I get to the potentially deadly serious part of today’s column, I’d like to start on the lighter side. Lighter, that is, unless you happen to be attorney Steven A. Schwartz. In representing a man named Roberto Mata, who said he was injured aboard...
Today is Safer Internet Day

Today is Safer Internet Day

More than 100 countries around the world will come together for Safer Internet Day on Feb. 6 to raise awareness about the benefits and risks of connected technology. ConnectSafely, the official US host of this international event is sponsoring virtual events and...
AI Has Risks But Can Also Make Us Safer

AI Has Risks But Can Also Make Us Safer

by Larry Magid This post is adapted from one that first appeared in the Mercury News We’re hearing a lot about the dangers of generative AI like ChatGPT, the new Microsoft Bing and Google Bard. For example, Geoffrey Hinton, who is often referred to as the “godfather...
Resolutions for a Safe and Secure 2024

Resolutions for a Safe and Secure 2024

by Larry Magid  This post is adapted from one that first appeared in the Mercury News I’m well aware that New Year’s resolutions are often abandoned by the end of January, but that’s no reason to avoid thinking about how we can improve our lives in the year to...
Survey Sheds Light on Parent, Teen Feelings about Generative AI

Survey Sheds Light on Parent, Teen Feelings about Generative AI

By Larry MagidThis post first appeared in the Mercury News Listen to “Research shows parents and teens optimistic about Generative AI” on Spreaker.1-minute ConnectSafely Report for CBS News Radio with a brief comment by survey co-director Kara Sundby We...
White House Order Provides Guidance on AI Safety

White House Order Provides Guidance on AI Safety

By Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News On October 30, President Biden issued an executive order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. As expected, the nearly 20,000-word document committed the federal...