Backing Up is NOT Hard to Do

Backing Up is NOT Hard to Do

By Larry Magid This post first appeared in Mercury News. The most tragic consequence of the recent Maui fires is, of course, loss of life. There was also horrific property loss. What you don’t hear much about on the news is the loss of data, but I’m sure many people...
Time to Think about Back-to-School Devices and Policies

Time to Think about Back-to-School Devices and Policies

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News Even though it’s only early August, many families are on the verge of sending their kids back to school. That’s a major change from when I was a kid, when families didn’t even have to think about getting...
Voice Cloning Makes Virtual Kidnapping More Convincing

Voice Cloning Makes Virtual Kidnapping More Convincing

By Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News Last week I wrote about a call I received claiming my wife had been kidnapped and demanding ransom. It came from a number that was nearly the same as my wife’s, began with a crying distraught woman, and as I...
Parent’s Guide to ZEPETO

Parent’s Guide to ZEPETO

Download the Quick-Guide (PDF) What is ZEPETO? ZEPETO is a mobile and web app that allows people ages 13 and older to create and customize virtual avatars with various features, clothes, hairstyles, and accessories and interact with others in virtual worlds. ZEPETO is...
Ask Trish: U.S. Surgeon General’s Social Media Advisory

Ask Trish: U.S. Surgeon General’s Social Media Advisory

By Trisha Prabhu Me, thinking to myself last week…“Wow – the U.S. Surgeon General just released an advisory on social media and youth mental health! That’s a big deal…and definitely something we have to cover on Ask Trish.” Hi there, and welcome back to Ask...
Ask Trish: Digital Healthcare

Ask Trish: Digital Healthcare

By Trisha Prabhu Any thoughts on meeting a doctor on Zoom? Hi there, and welcome back to Ask Trish! I hope you’re all having a good week, and that the start of April is treating you well. Thank you so much to this week’s question-er for the fantastic question and for...