Avoiding Negativity in Social Media and TV

Avoiding Negativity in Social Media and TV

by Larry Magid These days, it’s almost impossible to avoid distressing news, but there are ways to at least control your media diet and cut down on trolls, abusers, scam artists, and negativity on social media. Controlling media is simple. Step away from your TV,...
How Schools and Parents Can Promote Media Literacy

How Schools and Parents Can Promote Media Literacy

Michelle Ciulla Lipkin of National Association for Media Literacy Education Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, executive director of National Association for Media Literacy Education, speaks with ConnectSafely’s Larry Magid and Kerry Gallagher about why media literacy is...
Tools to Help Identify Real Vs. False Online Information

Tools to Help Identify Real Vs. False Online Information

by Larry Magid Daniel Patrick Moynihan is credited as once saying “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts,” but we now live at a time when some people apparently feel they are entitled to making up facts.  And that’s a major problem, because...
Media Literacy for Educators and Families with Young Children

Media Literacy for Educators and Families with Young Children

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/connectsafely/2018/11/01/media-literacy-with-larry-magid-and-kerry-gallagher.mp3 listen to Larry Magid and Kerry Gallagher talk about Media Literacy and it’s approach in the classroom and at home ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid and...