Avoiding Financial Fraud During Covid-19

Avoiding Financial Fraud During Covid-19

ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid speaks with US Secret Service Special Agent in Charge Tom Edwards and Visa VP Lori Hodges about why financial fraud is expected to increase in the coming weeks and months and how to protect yourself. Take a look at our next show...
Resources for Coping, Learning, and Shopping While Stuck Home

Resources for Coping, Learning, and Shopping While Stuck Home

There is never a good time for a pandemic, but the silver lining on this very dark cloud is that it’s happening at a time when we have the ability to communicate, learn and relax online.  For millions of us, the internet has become our lifeline. If we have kids whose...
Parenting and Working While Sheltering at Home

Parenting and Working While Sheltering at Home

 Podcast: ConnectSafely.org CEO Larry Magid chats with parent and veteran educator Kerry Gallagher about tips for parenting and educating kids at home. By Larry Magid With many communities under a “shelter at home” order and others smartly taking precautions, a...
Tools to Help Identify Real Vs. False Online Information

Tools to Help Identify Real Vs. False Online Information

by Larry Magid Daniel Patrick Moynihan is credited as once saying “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts,” but we now live at a time when some people apparently feel they are entitled to making up facts.  And that’s a major problem, because...