Parent’s and Educator’s Guide to Combatting Hate Speech

Parent’s and Educator’s Guide to Combatting Hate Speech

By Brittan Heller, JD and Larry Magid, Ed.D. Download Free Guide (PDF) Download Free Quick Guide (PDF) The internet is making it possible for people around the world to communicate with lightning speed and, for the most part, it’s a good thing. Whether it’s keeping up...
FaceApp Requires Caution, Not Fear

FaceApp Requires Caution, Not Fear

By Larry Magid There are four lessons when it comes to FaceApp. Number one, it’s important to understand the privacy implications of it and every other app you use. Number two, don’t believe every rumor you hear about horrible things apps might do. Number three, don’t...
Parent’s Guide to Education Technology

Parent’s Guide to Education Technology

  By Kerry Gallagher, J.D., and Larry Magid, Ed.D. Download Guide (PDF)   We all know children use devices like smartphones, tablets, Chromebooks, and laptops at school and they also often use a vocabulary full of technology jargon that may seem completely foreign....
YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube Cutting Hateful and Extremist Videos

YouTube is pulling the plug on thousands of videos that promote bigoted views, including “videos that promote or glorify Nazi ideology, which is inherently discriminatory,” according to a company blog post videos that promote or glorify Nazi ideology,...