Why You Should Review Your App Privacy Settings

Why You Should Review Your App Privacy Settings

By Larry MagidThis post first appeared in the Mercury News Chances are you have a lot of apps on your phone, and there’s a good chance that there are some you’re not using or maybe not even aware of. So, in addition to being careful before downloading new...
Ask Trish: Where Is AI Now (May 2024)?

Ask Trish: Where Is AI Now (May 2024)?

By Trisha Prabhu “There’s been so much news about AI lately. What are the latest updates?” Hi there, and welcome back to another week of Ask Trish! I hope you’re having a wonderful May. Thanks so much to this week’s question-er for the fantastic question…there has...
Let’s Not Use “Addiction” to Describe Tech Use

Let’s Not Use “Addiction” to Describe Tech Use

By Kerry Gallagher The Digital Wellness Lab at Boston Children’s Hospital has a helpful guide that explains the term Problematic Interactive Media Use (PIMU) and how to spot concerning behaviors and signs. While it has become common for adults to casually say they are...
Ask Trish: AI Rules and Regulations

Ask Trish: AI Rules and Regulations

By Trisha Prabhu “Hi Trish! I keep hearing about gen AI and the threats it poses and how tech companies are coming up with rules to prevent these issues. Can you talk more about that?” Hi there, and welcome back to another week of Ask Trish (and, believe it or not,...
Voice Cloning Makes Virtual Kidnapping More Convincing

Voice Cloning Makes Virtual Kidnapping More Convincing

By Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News Last week I wrote about a call I received claiming my wife had been kidnapped and demanding ransom. It came from a number that was nearly the same as my wife’s, began with a crying distraught woman, and as I...
How I Nearly Fell for a Frightening ‘Virtual Kidnapping’ Scam

How I Nearly Fell for a Frightening ‘Virtual Kidnapping’ Scam

Also see Quick-Guide to Virtual Kidnapping By Larry Magid A  slightly shorter version of this post appeared in the Mercury News I was impacted by a scam  that didn’t cost me money or expose my data, but did take an enormous emotional toll, including 20 minutes of...