Sharing Your Legacy and Animating Your Ancestors

Sharing Your Legacy and Animating Your Ancestors

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News Listen to “Sharing your legacy and animating your ancestors” on Spreaker. Larry speaks with GoodTrust cofounder, Daniel Sieberg. Abraham Lincoln died in 1865, but I just created a 15-second video...
Ask Trish: All I Want for Christmas…Is…Another Device

Ask Trish: All I Want for Christmas…Is…Another Device

By Trisha Prabhu Trish, I really want an iPad for Christmas, how do I convince my parents? Hi there, and thank you so much for the great and #relatable question. We’ve all been there – a cool new device is out, whether an iPad, a smart watch, or a fitness...
Meta Opens Horizon Worlds Metaverse App to Teens

Meta Opens Horizon Worlds Metaverse App to Teens

ConnectSafely CEO Larry Magid speaks with Meta Reality Labs executive Hannah Gallagher about Meta’s move to open Horizon Worlds to teens and how parents can help teens navigate social VR...
Ask Trish: Online Diet Culture

Ask Trish: Online Diet Culture

By Trisha Prabhu Hey Trish, do you think what vloggers say they eat in a day is what they actually eat in a day? Hi there, and thank you so much for this interesting – and important – question. Before I get into your question (and my answer/advice!), I...
Shop Safely this Holiday Season

Shop Safely this Holiday Season

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News If you’re like most people, you’re thinking about scooping up some of those bargains we hear about between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. Whether it’s black Friday,” cyber...
Surveys Shed Light on Teen and Parent Feelings about Social Media

Surveys Shed Light on Teen and Parent Feelings about Social Media

by Larry MagidThis post first appeared in the Mercury News It’s relatively rare to get new research on teens, parents and social media but three surveys dropped this week. One was from Pew Research, another was from the Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) and the...