Is There a Relationship Between Tech Use and Gun Violence?

Is There a Relationship Between Tech Use and Gun Violence?

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News I was thinking about writing a column about the “tech angle” of the Buffalo shooting but wound up changing subjects at the last minute. Unfortunately, the topic is back in the news because of the...
How to Delete What Google Knows About You

How to Delete What Google Knows About You

by Larry Magid This post is adapted from one that appeared in the Mercury News Like complaining about the weather, a lot of people like to complain about how Google impacts their privacy but, unlike the weather, there are things you can do about it. As a baseline,...
Ask Trish: Mental Health Awareness Month

Ask Trish: Mental Health Awareness Month

By Trisha Prabhu Me, thinking to myself early last week: “I can’t believe that May is coming to an end soon – and so is Mental Health Awareness Month here in the US. I think the Ask Trish community would really love some tips on how to support mental health on social...
Ask Trish: My Debut Book, ReThink the Internet

Ask Trish: My Debut Book, ReThink the Internet

By Trisha Prabhu Trish, I’ve been seeing sm about your new book online!! It looks so cool. Why did you write it and what’s in it? Thank you so much for the kind words – as well as the opportunity to share a bit more about some exciting news I have! Indeed, my...