Ask Trish: What Exactly is “Web3”?

Ask Trish: What Exactly is “Web3”?

By Trisha Prabhu Hey Trish. So many ppl I know keep talking about web3. What is web3? How is it different from the internet?” Hi, and thank you so much for this fantastic question! I want to begin by validating your confusion: trust me, you’re not the only person...
Parent’s & Educator’s Guide to Media Literacy & False Information

Parent’s & Educator’s Guide to Media Literacy & False Information

By Kerry Gallagher, JD and Larry Magid, Ed.D. Download the Full Guide (PDF) Read the Top 5 Questions Download the Quick-Guide (PDF) We hear a lot about misinformation, disinformation and “fake news,” but whatever you call it, it’s a symptom of much larger problems,...
How to Talk with Your Kids About War in Ukraine

How to Talk with Your Kids About War in Ukraine

  by Larry MagidA shorter version of this post appeared in the Mercury News Whether it’s via TV, radio, or the internet, kids and teens, just like adults, are learning about what’s happening in and around Ukraine, and many are likely concerned, worried or even...
Russian Cyberattacks are Possible. Be Prepared But Not Panicked.

Russian Cyberattacks are Possible. Be Prepared But Not Panicked.

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News Although it’s very unlikely that average Americans will be directly targeted by a Russian cyberattack, it is quite possible to become an indirect victim of an attack against a company, health care...
Safer Internet Day: Programs for Home & School

Safer Internet Day: Programs for Home & School

Click here for Safer Internet Day Video Programs   By Larry Magid Tuesday, February 8th is Safer Internet Day but this year it’s Safer Internet Week. Rather than a single event, there will be resources available for use in schools and homes every day of the week...
Ask Trish: How to Talk to Your Parents About Tech

Ask Trish: How to Talk to Your Parents About Tech

By Trisha Prabhu Dear Trish: My digital resolution was to do a better job of talking to my parents about my phone and my social media. How do I actually do that? First and foremost, congratulations (seriously!) on setting such a great digital resolution for 2022, and...