How to Protect Your Online Security

How to Protect Your Online Security

by Larry Magid When it comes to online security, you don’t have to be paranoid to worry about people who want to harm you.  Sadly, there are such people, and although they have nothing against you personally, they do want your money, and because the internet is...
Ask Trish: Sharenting

Ask Trish: Sharenting

By Trisha Prabhu “My mom keeps posting pics of me online that are embarrassing. How do I get her to stop?” Hi there, and welcome back to another week of Ask Trish! I hope you’re all well and having a wonderful February.  Thank you so much to this week’s question-er...
AI Makes Mistakes But Could It Destroy Us?

AI Makes Mistakes But Could It Destroy Us?

by Larry Magid Before I get to the potentially deadly serious part of today’s column, I’d like to start on the lighter side. Lighter, that is, unless you happen to be attorney Steven A. Schwartz. In representing a man named Roberto Mata, who said he was injured aboard...
Ask Trish: Safer Internet Day 2024

Ask Trish: Safer Internet Day 2024

By Trisha Prabhu Tuesday, February 6th (today!) is Safer Internet Day 2024! I immediately knew I had to write about it for Ask Trish… Hi there, and welcome back to another week of Ask Trish. Happy February! I hope you’re all well and having a wonderful start to the...