3 ways we can give students a voice in Internet safety

By Kerry Gallagher We are in the midst or a revolution in information and we have an opportunity. Collectively, we are building the information repository of the future by posting, remixing, liking, and sharing online. Even this post is contributing to that future....

Encryption as a form of child protection

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the Mercury News The war on encryption is center stage, thanks to the battle between the FBI and Apple over the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone. But even though the FBI found a way to access the phone without...
The inside story of Facebook's Reactions: Beyond 'Like'

The inside story of Facebook's Reactions: Beyond 'Like'

By Larry Magid By now you may have heard that Facebook’s “like” button has company. In addition to saying that you like someone else’s post, you can now say Love, Haha, Wow Sad or Angry. The initiative, said Facebook engineering director Tom...
Why Apple is correct in fighting court order to hack iPhone

Why Apple is correct in fighting court order to hack iPhone

By Larry Magid Since the news broke Tuesday night, I’ve done a lot of live radio and TV interviews about the battle going on between the FBI and Apple and almost every news anchor I spoke with expressed mixed feelings about the case. Just about everyone...
Fighting back against online harassment and cyberbullying

Fighting back against online harassment and cyberbullying

by Larry Magid We hear a lot about online harassment and cyberbullying and, indeed, it is a serious problem for both kids and adults. It’s hard to know just how many people have been affected by various forms of online harassment and hate, but there are some...