What the Internet safety community can learn from the TSA failure

What the Internet safety community can learn from the TSA failure

By Larry Magid As has been widely reported, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) failed in 67 out of 70 tests when government agents were successfully able to sneak potential weapons past airport checkpoints. These are the same checkpoints that confiscate...
Should I be concerned about my teen's live video streaming?

Should I be concerned about my teen's live video streaming?

By Michael Rich, MD Q: My 14-year-old son is an aspiring musician and has recently been using YouNow to broadcast himself and his band’s “jam sessions.” I wasn’t too concerned until I realized that it is a live stream (I thought it was another version of YouTube) and...
A Polaroid instant printer for your smartphone

A Polaroid instant printer for your smartphone

By Larry Magid Kids and adults too are taking lots of pictures with their phones and now there’s a way to instantly print them out. I paired it via NFC with my Android phone (it also pairs via Bluetooth) and used the phone to snap some pictures from the regular...
A Parent's Guide to Ask.fm

A Parent's Guide to Ask.fm

Ask.fm is a social network on mobile devices and the Web that allows you to ask questions—to your friends or others who also use the service. People use Ask.fm to ask all sorts of things about life, religion, politics, books, pop culture, food, travel and much more....
Words moms don't want to hear

Words moms don't want to hear

By Trudy Ludwig There are certain words I don’t want coming out of any child’s sweet little mouth. You know the ones: nasty, demeaning words that slither their way out in venomous whispers; racist, sexist, and homophobic words coiled to strike at old and young alike...