News & views from ConnectSafely: April 23, 2015

Recent articles Cyberbullying is not a joke: Celebrities and public figures can make a difference Facebook’s Scrapbook encourages photos of children, but think before you post Pew Survey: Reports of Facebook’s demise among teens greatly exaggerated Should I worry...
Chromebooks & Google Apps appeal to schools & consumers

Chromebooks & Google Apps appeal to schools & consumers

by Larry Magid: Some parents and officials worry about privacy but Google has pledged not to track, profile or advertise to students. Chromebooks have been around for four years and are already gaining traction in schools, but Google’s newest — and...

Age restrictions and privacy policies protect youth

by Sue Scheff: Both age restrictions and privacy policies are put in place for our protection and the protection of the young. The issue: • A PEW Research poll recently found that half of Americans who spend time online don’t know what a privacy policy is. •...

Online safety is not just 'about life’

One of the sessions at the Family Online Safety Institute conference that was held in Washington last November focused on re-defining online safety. During the session, a couple of smart people suggested that we should drop the word “online” from online safety and...