The wisdom of Finn, 10

By Anne Collier “The most imaginative” of Stephen and Fi’s three kids “in trying to invent reasons to go online,” Finn suddenly proposed a day a week of family “NST” (non-screen time) because, he thoughtfully proposed,...

Online privacy primer

by Larry Magid View more presentations from ConnectSafely Privacy Primer Slideshow Watch what you post There is a lot of talk about how social networks, search engines and even seemingly innocuous websites can invade our privacy, but the biggest risk to our privacy is...

Parenting in the digital age: Research insights

By Anne Collier A lot of insights into digital-age parenting have been surfacing in the research this year – so much good stuff, in fact, that I’m going to crunch it way down into brief snapshots and give you the links so you can find what’s relevant to...

Kids deserve the truth about cyberbullying

By Anne Collier When Justin Patchin, professor and co-director of the Cyberbullying Research Center, talks to high school students in school assemblies, he asks them to give him an estimate of what percentage of teens have cyberbullied someone. “Somebody will...