The social Web's echo chambers

By Anne Collier A discussion of the benefits of the social Web wouldn’t be complete without a mention of an emerging risk: that the technology of personalization is becoming so sophisticated that this giant digital space is getting carved up into a myriad little...

Talk with your kids about being safer online

by Larry Magid Although there are plenty of tools that can be used to try to control or monitor what your kids are doing online, the best approach for most parents is that oldest of tools called conversation. Having an occasional chat with your kids about how they’re...

'Juvenoia,' Part 1: Why Internet fear is overrated

Prominent US online-risk researcher David Finkelhor says there’s no evidence to support fears that the Internet increases youth risk and, in fact, there’s evidence suggesting the opposite. By Anne Collier Referred to variously as technopanic, predator...

Social-emotional learning ups academic performance

By Anne Collier Right from the proverbial horse’s mouth, so hear this: that social and emotional learning (SEL) has brought academic gains “that equal the results of many programs focused exclusively on academics … is one of the most important...

Sexting: What to tell a kid sent nude photos via cellphone

By Anne Collier Delete them, plain and simple. That’s what criminology professor Justin Patchin at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire advises teens in his blog. Parents, this is not what you’ll hear from law enforcement people or school personnel...

The benefits of parenting with respect

By Anne Collier When I read “6 parenting rules for raising a critical thinker” by parent, author and child advocate Marjie Knudsen – who I had the pleasure of meeting last fall at the International Bullying Prevention Association conference in Seattle – I...