Parenting & Working While Sheltering at Home

Parenting & Working While Sheltering at Home

ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid speaks with ConnectSafely’s Director of K-12 Education Kerry Gallagher about parenting and working while sheltering at home. Take a look at our next show...
Tech Tools to Engage your Family in Fun or Educational Activities

Tech Tools to Engage your Family in Fun or Educational Activities

There are plenty of tools out there to keep every member of the family engaged during this period when many of us are staying at home. In fact, for some of us, we’re experiencing the opposite of social isolation — having virtual meals with friends and...
Parenting and Working While Sheltering at Home

Parenting and Working While Sheltering at Home

 Podcast: CEO Larry Magid chats with parent and veteran educator Kerry Gallagher about tips for parenting and educating kids at home. By Larry Magid With many communities under a “shelter at home” order and others smartly taking precautions, a...
Tools to Help Identify Real Vs. False Online Information

Tools to Help Identify Real Vs. False Online Information

by Larry Magid Daniel Patrick Moynihan is credited as once saying “Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts,” but we now live at a time when some people apparently feel they are entitled to making up facts.  And that’s a major problem, because...