Family Tech — News & Popular Guides

Ask Trish: BeReal

Ask Trish: BeReal

“I’ve seen the app BeReal become really popular in the last two years. What is it and is it in?”

How to Protect Your Online Security

How to Protect Your Online Security

Contrary to what you may have heard, the threats don’t always come from hackers with sophisticated computer skills. There are plenty of criminals that use old-fashioned persuasion and trickery

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Ask Trish: Phone Distraction

Ask Trish: Phone Distraction

Hey Trish, I am SO distracted by my phone all the time. What tips do you have for staying focused and away from my phone?

Why It Is Essential to Keep your Operating Systems Up to Date

Why It Is Essential to Keep your Operating Systems Up to Date

Regardless of what device you’re using — an iPhone or iPad, an Android phone or tablet, a Mac, a Windows PC or even a smart home appliance — it’s important to keep operating systems, apps and browsers updated with the latest security patches.

Ask Trish: Phone Distraction

Ask Trish: Phone Distraction

Hey Trish, I am SO distracted by my phone all the time. What tips do you have for staying focused and away from my phone?

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Protect Against Identify Theft

Protect Against Identify Theft

There are things you can do to reduce the chances of being a victim of identity theft, and if you are a victim, there are things you can do to recover.

Tips to Remember and Manage Passwords

Tips to Remember and Manage Passwords

there are some techniques to create passwords that you are likely to remember as well as programs and apps that will remember them for you so you don’t have to.

Managing Tech for Tots

Managing Tech for Tots

Over the past several years we’ve seen an explosion in the use of tablets and other devices by children who are barely out of diapers.