Media Literacy for Educators and Families with Young Children

ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid and K-12 Education Director Kerry Gallagher talk about media literacy aimed at young children and teens.…

Nov 1, 2018

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listen to Larry Magid and Kerry Gallagher talk about Media Literacy and it’s approach in the classroom and at home

ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid and K-12 Education Director Kerry Gallagher talk about media literacy aimed at young children and teens. Kerry talks about approaching media literacy in the classroom as an educator while Larry approaches it as a journalist. The podcast also gets into current events and how they can be handled in the household.

In addition to their roles at ConnectSafely, Larry is the CBS News Radio Tech Analyst and Kerry is Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning at St. John’s prep in Danvers, Mass.


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