Bullying: The Latest Research from Microsoft

A new research report from Microsoft found that 40% of teenagers in 32 countries say they’ve been involved in a…

Sep 17, 2020

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A new research report from Microsoft found that “Some 40% of teenagers in 32 countries1 say they’ve been involved in a bullying incident as the target of the bullying, someone who displayed bullying behaviors or as a bystander.” But it’s not just kids who are affected. The study also found that 37% of adults said they were involved in a “bullying” incident. Combining both groups,19% said they were a “target,” 21% a “bystander” and 1% a “contributor” and “bully.” The study looked at both online and offline bullying including workplace harassment.

Here is a 1-minute radio segment featuring Microsoft’s Global Digital Safety Advocate, Jacqueline Beauchere.

Listen to “Microsoft’s new Digital Civility research” on Spreaker.
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