NEW Video Gaming Research for 13-17 Year Olds

Pew released new research last week about teens ages 13-17 and their video gaming habits.

May 29, 2024

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By Kerry Gallagher

Pew released new research last week about teens ages 13-17 and their video gaming habits:

  • 97% of boys say they play video games and 62% identify as “gamers”
  • 73% of girls say they play video games and 17% identify as “gamers”
  • These numbers are pretty steady across ethnic groups and across household of varying incomes
  • 40% of teens play video games daily, 22% play several times a week, and 21% play once a week or less

What’s even more interesting is WHY teens play video games:

  • 98% say they play for fun or entertainment
  • 72% play as a way to spend time with others
  • 66% play in order to compete against others

Use this research to talk to your teens. How often do they play video games? Who do they play with? Why do they play? Are their habits and reasons similar to or different from this research? Are they comfortable with the amount of time they spend on gaming? These curious conversations help us understand teens’ thinking and habits more, and can be a great foundation in case of more difficult conversations in the future.

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