News & Analysis

Metaverse: What’s the Risk?

You’ve probably heard the term “metaverse,” which is being embraced by numerous tech companies. The company formerly known as Facebook is so committed to the idea, that it’s renamed itself “Meta” to symbolize its deep dive into this new online world.

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Managing Tech for Tots

Managing Tech for Tots

Over the past several years we’ve seen an explosion in the use of tablets and other devices by children who are barely out of diapers.

How We Got Here

How We Got Here

Because they’ve been written about extensively, there’s no need for me to repeat how the internet – Facebook, Twitter and lesser-known sites like Gab and the now-suspended Parler have contributed to the division, vitriol and violence that has shaken our country.

Getting Ready for ‘Virtual School’

Getting Ready for ‘Virtual School’

Fortunately, most families already have a broadband connection and either a computer or tablet, but there is still a digital divide as was evidenced by that now-famous photo of two young girls sitting in a parking lot of a Salinas Taco Bell to access the restaurant’s WiFi because they didn’t have internet at home.

One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

That expression, “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure” could certainly be applied to the internet. But when it comes to some controversial content, I’d go a step further to say “one person’s sewer is another person’s rose garden.”

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