News & Analysis

Avoiding Financial Fraud During Covid-19

ConnectSafely’s CEO Larry Magid speaks with US Secret Service Special Agent in Charge Tom Edwards and Visa VP Lori Hodges about why financial fraud is expected to increase in the coming weeks

Resources for Coping, Learning, and Shopping While Stuck Home

There is never a good time for a pandemic, but the silver lining on this very dark cloud is that it’s happening at a time when we have the ability to communicate, learn and relax online.  For millions of us, the internet has become our lifeline. If we have kids whose...

Metaverse: What’s the Risk?

Metaverse: What’s the Risk?

You’ve probably heard the term “metaverse,” which is being embraced by numerous tech companies. The company formerly known as Facebook is so committed to the idea, that it’s renamed itself “Meta” to symbolize its deep dive into this new online world.

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Europe’s New Privacy Law Shakes Up Entire Tech Industry and Impacts European Teens

Europe’s New Privacy Law Shakes Up Entire Tech Industry and Impacts European Teens

Europe’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) kicked in on Friday, May 25th, and its impact will be felt not just in Europe but around the world — especially in Silicon Valley, where many tech companies are based. That’s because the GDPR’s rules affect any company that touches data from European citizens, which is pretty much every tech company. It could also have a negative impact on some European teenagers.

Google Reining in Too Much of a Good Thing

Google Reining in Too Much of a Good Thing

The common expression “too much of a good thing” can apply to almost everything that we enjoy, including the internet and mobile devices. My grandparents understood that, but apparently, many of my contemporaries don’t when it comes to tech. I’m guilty as well.

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