Identity theft can hit children too

Identity theft can hit children too

by Larry Magid Identify theft can be a serious problem for victims. It can destroy your credit, get you in trouble with the IRS and sometimes even result in your arrest if someone commits a crime in your name. Other consequences, wrote Katie Morell in the book,...
So called Facebook "dislike" button will be for kindness, not meanness

So called Facebook "dislike" button will be for kindness, not meanness

This post first appeared on by Larry Magid Mark Zuckerberg hasn’t confided in me any details about the company’s plans to launch what is being called the “dislike button,” but I’m pretty sure it will be used to convey empathy and support, not mean comments....
Guide helps educators navigate social media

Guide helps educators navigate social media

  by Larry Magid You’ve heard the stories — teachers who got themselves into trouble over what they posted in social media or were, perhaps, cyberbullied by students. And then there are tales of students wasting their time using social media in class....