Senior’s Guide to TikTok

Senior’s Guide to TikTok

Seniors like TikTok for some of the same reasons as teens. It’s fun and entertaining and — if you choose to post videos — it’s an easy way to express yourself and build a community. What you need to know to get started on the popular app.

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Ask Trish: Smartwatches

Ask Trish: Smartwatches

“I’m thinking of getting a smartwatch, wondering what you think of them”

Ask Trish: Sharenting

“My mom keeps posting pics of me online that are embarrassing. How do I get her to stop?”

Ask Trish: Smartwatches

Ask Trish: Smartwatches

“I’m thinking of getting a smartwatch, wondering what you think of them”

Parent’s Guide to ZEPETO

ZEPETO is popular among teens for designing content, fashion, items, and virtual environments.

Ask Trish: Stressing About Social Media

I’m always so stressed about social media, like who’s viewing my stories, how my pictures look, and if I “measure up” to everyone else. How do I let go?

Parent Guides

Parent’s Guide to Education Technology

Parent’s Guide to Education Technology

  By Kerry Gallagher, J.D., and Larry Magid, Ed.D. Download Guide (PDF)   We all know children use devices like smartphones, tablets, Chromebooks, and laptops at school and they also often use a vocabulary full of technology jargon that may seem completely foreign....

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Wellness and Safety

Ask Trish: U.S. Surgeon General’s Social Media Advisory

Ask Trish: U.S. Surgeon General’s Social Media Advisory

By Trisha Prabhu Me, thinking to myself last week…“Wow - the U.S. Surgeon General just released an advisory on social media and youth mental health! That’s a big deal…and definitely something we have to cover on Ask Trish.” Hi there, and welcome back to Ask Trish!...

Video: TikTok’s Director of Creator Community

ConnectSafely CEO Larry Magid and Youth Advisor Trisha Prabhu spoke with Kudzi Chikumbu, TikTok's Director of Creator Community, about the "secret sauce" for TikTok success. Watch the video or listen to the audio portion. (Scroll down for audio podcast.)...

Safer Internet Day: Programs for Home & School

Click here for Safer Internet Day Video Programs   By Larry Magid Tuesday, February 8th is Safer Internet Day but this year it’s Safer Internet Week. Rather than a single event, there will be resources available for use in schools and homes every day of the week...

Ask Trish: Making Digital Resolutions

By Trisha Prabhu Me, thinking to myself earlier this week: “What’s the one thing I want to leave the Ask Trish community with in 2021?” It’s a question I spent a lot of time thinking about, because, well, we’ve talked about a lot this year. I racked my brain,...


Media in the Middle Ep. 10: Cancel Culture

Media in the Middle Ep. 10: Cancel Culture

Learn how young people feel about cancel culture, a practice of withdrawing support for (canceling) public figures and companies after they have done or said something considered objectionable or offensive. ConnectSafely is partnering with My Digital TAT2 for this...

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1. Generative AI for Families

2. Smart Digital Parenting: Navigating Screens with Children & Teens

3. New Gaming Research


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