New iOS Lets Users Set Limits for Kids and Adults

New iOS Lets Users Set Limits for Kids and Adults

By Larry Magid As the founder of and co-founder of, I’ve written volumes about parental controls that help parents limit what their kids can do online or with mobile devices. Apple already offers optional parental controls for...

How to Use Privacy Tools for Popular Services and Apps

After School “Anonymous” app After School does not have typical privacy settings because users do not have a profile that can be viewed or shared. All user posts are by default anonymous unless a person includes his or her name in a post. After School...
Teens and Social Media — It’s a Mixed Bag

Teens and Social Media — It’s a Mixed Bag

by Larry Magid This post first appeared in the San Jose Mercury News The recent school shooting in Florida and the example of the remarkable teens who are responding through activism have caused me to revisit an Atlantic article from September 2017 by San Diego state...
Educator’s Guide to Social Media

Educator’s Guide to Social Media

Download Guide (PDF) Social media has become ubiquitous. About three-quarters of online American adults use some form of social media, according to Pew Research. Among young adults and teens, the numbers are even higher. Without a doubt, the vast majority of your...