Most teens can step away from social media

Most teens can step away from social media

By Larry Magid A pair of recent reports sheds light on how teens are using social media, including the revelation that not all teens are glued to social media 24/7. Many do take breaks. You can find links to both reports from The Associated Press-NORC Center for...
Facebook uses technology and people to thwart 'revenge porn'

Facebook uses technology and people to thwart 'revenge porn'

Revenge porn, when someone shares an intimate image of another person without his or her permission, is an awful practice, which often causes significant emotional distress.  And that’s true even if the image was taken with the consent of the person but shared...
App helps parents protect their kids from the unthinkable

App helps parents protect their kids from the unthinkable

Scroll down for 1-minute broadcast & 5-minute podcast interview with NCMEC’s Callahan Walsh The odds of a child being kidnapped, especially by a stranger, are relatively low. But it’s still every parent’s nightmare. And, even if your child isn’t kidnapped,...
Social media and students: Engage, empower, explore

Social media and students: Engage, empower, explore

By Kerry Gallagher It is no longer uncommon or special for school administrators and teachers to use social media to share the great things their students are doing in classrooms, on sports fields, on stage, or out in the community. They use Facebook to reach parents,...
4 ways educators and parents can use tech this school year

4 ways educators and parents can use tech this school year

By Kerry Gallagher Since we all use technology to learn, communicate, and create every day outside of classrooms, our students need opportunities to practice while they are still in our schools. Whether you are a parent or a teacher, look for a few key opportunities...