One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

One Person’s Internet Junk is Another Person’s Treasure

By Larry Magid That expression, “one person’s junk is another person’s treasure” could certainly be applied to the internet. But when it comes to some controversial content, I’d go a step further to say “one person’s sewer is another person’s rose garden.”  What...
Australia eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant

Australia eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant

We spoke with US-born Julie Inman Grant about her role as Australia’s eSafety Commissioner, the country’s national independent regulator for online safety. Julie talked about her unique government role and her career working for Microsoft, Twitter and...
Parenting for a Digital Future

Parenting for a Digital Future

When it comes to understanding how young people and their families are coping with today’s technology, there are no better experts than Sonia Livingstone and Alicia Blum-Ross. Both have been researching this subject for years and they have...
How Industry – and Parents – Can Protect Young Gamers

How Industry – and Parents – Can Protect Young Gamers

Maria Oliveira Tamellini and Rodrigo Tamellini, founders of GamerSafer, talk to us about preventing crime and toxicity online. GamerSafer develops technologies to help games protect online players and communities. “We are trying to find a balance between...