ConnectSafely releases A Parents’ Guide to Student Data Privacy

Click here to view A Parents Guide to Student Data PrivacyPalo Alto, CA, (April 28, 2015) –, a leading non-profit Internet safety organization, today released A Parents’ Guide to Student Data Privacy, in partnership with the Future of Privacy Forum...

Age restrictions and privacy policies protect youth

by Sue Scheff: Both age restrictions and privacy policies are put in place for our protection and the protection of the young. The issue: • A PEW Research poll recently found that half of Americans who spend time online don’t know what a privacy policy is. •...

'Tread carefully' before regulating Internet of Things

I was not surprised to learn that the Senate is looking into the Internet of Things. Senators are concerned about safety, privacy and security issues now that the tech industry is focusing on ways to connect devices to the Internet and to each other. There are just...