Perfect digital parenting doesn't exist

By Anne Collier I’m stating the obvious – that perfect digital-age parenting doesn’t exist – but let me explain why it doesn’t. Writer Heather Havrilesky got me thinking about this with her commentary “The ‘Mommy’ Problem” in...

Mobile rules in the US now too

By Anne Collier It’s now clear that, where Americans’ use of digital media is concerned, mobile rules. “The days of desktop dominance are over,” declares top digital market researcher comScore in its latest mobile app report. Smartphones and...

Millennials' changing social media use: Survey

By Anne Collier It’s hard to believe the high end of the Millennials age bracket is over 30 already! The Pew Research Center’s definition says they’re all adults, putting their age range at 18-33 (check out Pew’s 6 distinguishing...

Why Google (and Facebook) should admit kids under 13

The website The Information (subscription required to get past the first paragraph) is reporting that Google has been “working to overhaul its web services so it can legally allow children to use them.” Google hasn’t commented on the report but I hope it’s true. To...