Facebook tweaks News Feed to reduce 'clickbait'

Facebook tweaks News Feed to reduce 'clickbait'

By Larry Magid It seems as if complaints roll in every time Facebook makes a change to its News Feed. But I have no complaint with the latest change designed to cut back on “clickbait.” In a statement, Facebook defined clickbait as “headlines that...
Instagram adds disappearing 'Stories'

Instagram adds disappearing 'Stories'

by Larry Magid For years, Facebook has been looking for a way to compete with Snapchat at its own game and, after two failed attempts, it’s trying again not by trying to acquire Snapchat for $3 billion as it did in 2013 or by launching its Slingshot...

Twitter moves to curb abusive comments

By Larry Magid As you may have heard, Twitter recently expelled Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos, who received a notice that his account has been “permanently suspended for repeated violation of the Twitter rules, specifically our rules prohibiting...