Digital Trust Foundation seeking proposals on digital abuse programs

by Larry Magid: The Digital Trust Foundation is seeking grant proposals around digital abuse. As the Request for Proposals (RFP) states, “The Foundation has found several gaps in digital abuse research and action” and is addressing that concern by seeking to fund...

Arkansas bill puts youth safety and privacy in jeopardy

By Maria Spencer The Arkansas Consumer Safety Division website includes social networking tips that warn its citizens about improper use of social media. It reads, “Although social networking sites can be valuable resources … be careful when using them because the...

Age restrictions and privacy policies protect youth

by Sue Scheff: Both age restrictions and privacy policies are put in place for our protection and the protection of the young. The issue: • A PEW Research poll recently found that half of Americans who spend time online don’t know what a privacy policy is. •...

Net neutrality vote doesn't end the debate

By Larry Magid: The Federal Communications Commission has ruled on net neutrality, but the debate lingers on. My Facebook feed is full of comments from friends with varying opinions about the FCC’s 3-to-2 vote in favor of network neutrality. Some feel that the...