Youth participation's growing momentum

By Anne Collier It’s exciting to see the signs of adult support for youth voices and participation multiplying. It’s important and it’s time. Here is just a sampler of this encouraging trend: Agency for citizenship. In Internet safety circles,...
Of student digital privacy & schools demanding passwords

Of student digital privacy & schools demanding passwords

By Anne Collier For Data Privacy Day (today, 1/28), let’s take a look at students’ data privacy – as in the data on their cellphones and whether school administrators have the right to search the devices. The ACLU says they don’t. It called out a...

Social media still growing, with Instagram leading the way

A lot of people scratched their heads when Facebook invested a billion dollars to buy Instagram in 2012. But, based on the results of a recent survey from Pew Research, it now looks like quite a bargain. In retrospect, I wish I had bought it, though I’m afraid...

Facebook to carry Amber Alerts — exclusive interview with John Walsh

Facebook and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) are teaming up to put Amber Alerts about missing children on Facebook News Feeds, but only for Facebook members in the targeted search area for an abducted child. A game changer John Walsh,...

Sydney: A hashtag for a city (and world) in need of healing

By Anne Collier “The city is now in mourning,” wrote author, researcher and Sydney resident Nina Funnell to a group of colleagues in the wake of the horrific siege in a financial district chocolate shop. Australians (all of us, really) are trying to make...