For solving social problems: The social media jujitsu remix

By Anne Collier The other day I blogged about the collective conscious that social media users could become – are becoming, actually. Then I wrote about how users themselves – and not just ethical venture capitalists – could demand that startups bake safety and other...

Fresh data on US kids' social media use

By Anne Collier Young people’s social media interests are changing right along with the media, according to the latest Speak Up study, which surveyed more than 325,000 students, along with parents, teachers and administrators. “Only 30% of middle school... named US host for Safer Internet Day

Washington, D.C., November 6, 2013–Safer Internet Day, which has been celebrated throughout the world for the last 10 years, is about to get a big boost in the United States. has been appointed by INSAFE and the European Commission as the US...

Dave Taylor: The Internet doesn't have a delete key

by Dave Taylor It’s something that I hear from teens all the time, the refrain that “it’s cool, I can just delete it if it’s a problem” when we’re talking about online safety, privacy and the risk associated with everything...